Review: Be A Triangle By Lilly Singh


Oct 14, 2022

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Review: Be a Triangle

What's inside the book 

At 92 pages long and sprinkled with comic-style illustrations, Lilly's Singh's "Be a Triangle" (out today) is deceptively short and simple. Yes, it's concise, funny, and approachable, but by no means is this book surface-level. In fact, it's the opposite. The whole goal of "Be a Triangle" is to peer as deeply as you can beneath the surface of your life, into who you are and what you truly want. It's not an easy journey, and it's one that the actress, comedian, and bestselling author of "How to Be a Bawse" undertook in her own life while writing the book.

The challenge that Singh sets for herself is to build a solid core for her life, a sort of internal home base to which she can return no matter what turmoil she faces. She wants to build a "foundation so deep that it will exist and thrive even if our surface-level efforts fail." That's where the triangle idea comes in, because a triangle is a shape with a solid foundation, but one that still allows for growth. "When you add to a triangle, you do not change the essence of what it is," Singh explains in the book. "You simply build upon it and make it an even greater, stronger version of itself."

Singh goes on to explain the four essential ideas that make up her own foundation (more on that below), giving personal examples from her own life to illuminate the meaning of each one. It's not easy; there are no quick fixes when you're talking about reshaping the core of your life, and Singh points out her failures as much as her successes. It's not exactly the book she expected to write, but she says the work it forced her to do has already had an immense impact. "I had every intention for [this book] to be motivational and inspirational, but when I first started to write, I didn't have the . . . wisdom that I earned through writing," she tells POPSUGAR. "It has really changed me."

Spark Book:- What does it mean to "be a triangle," and why did you want that to be the title of this book?

Lilly Singh: When I started writing this book, I was really trying to figure out what I wanted to accomplish. I didn't want to write something that would be a Band-Aid solution, full of fluffy terms that I couldn't actually apply into my real life. I wanted this to be a long-term solution and a blueprint for my life going forward. I really had to go deep, and I discovered that what I lacked in my adult life, because I was never encouraged to figure it out as a child, was a really strong foundation and sense of self. Like, what do I want out of life? What do I think is important?

When I started googling "strong foundation," a triangle came up, because structurally, a triangle is the strongest shape. And I thought, yes. I want to build a foundation like a triangle, where I have a strong base and build everything else on top of this foundation that will not teeter based on what's happening in my life.

How Long It Takes to Read

You could finish this book in a couple of hours if you wanted to, but I recommend giving yourself a few days or a week to savor each nugget of wisdom and how you can apply it to your own life.

The Sweet-Spot Summary

With humor and vulnerability, Lilly Singh's "Be a Triangle" ($18) challenges readers to create a solid foundation for their lives, one that — like a triangle — can bear considerable weight, withstand life's turmoils, and allow room for growth.

Source:- Amazon

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